Elena Arrowsmith '19

Photo taken by Elena Arrowsmith

Outstanding Students of the Month: How They Got Picked

It’s that time again, the October Students’ of the Month have been recognized. Student of the Month is a staff chose award, given to students who stand out in their classes. It can be a matter of grades, or even just being kind to others.

Their teachers shared what qualities they look for in choosing a SotM. Ms. Trefzger said she looks for, “work ethic, determination, and positive attitude.” She also said that its important to give 100% and to get help outside of class if you need it.

Ms. Scavone said, “Students of the Month work hard in and outside of class, asks questions, and helps others.” Mr.Vincent said, “I factor in classroom participation, attitude, and other activities the student may be involved in” when choosing for the award,

So there you have, here are some of the ways you can get awarded Student of the Month. Even if your grades aren’t considered the best, if you have a positive attitude and caring towards classmates, then you can be next month’s Student of the Month.