Remember the Senior Panoramic Picture? #togaday #spiritweek
Senior Year Is Coming to An End
June 1, 2016
Take this moment to think about your years in high school.
Do you realize how fast it went by?
All your moments will become memories; if you aren’t emotional now, you soon will be once you walk across that stage.
This journey has been a long one, but seems to have passed by in a second. Take time to recognize your hard work, people in your life that have supported you, and everyone that has simply been in your life along the way. This is an end. Hopefully, there is a promising future. As the school year comes to an end, many seniors are now making a decision that binds them to an approaching future: whether that be working, continuing with higher education, or even taking a gap year.
These are all steps to becoming an adult. As a student, this is the time of year that you realize that you’re now responsible for your future, no longer will you see everyone and be obligated to attend school. No more painful mornings full of caffeine and jitters for the upcoming test that you didn’t study for and especially no more excuses. Most likely the only thing that will stay with you from high school is the constant stress of the course load and maybe 1 or 2 friends. (If you’re lucky, you will still stay in touch with some people as you move forward in life.)
Reality is setting in, now at the brink of leaving, it comes time to make a decision. What college will I attend? You repeat this question in your head over and over, looking for a specific answer but for most of us, its unclear. Am I ready to leave my parents and live on campus? Am I capable of being more social? Am I willing to pay this much? So many questions that bring you to the conclusion of confusion?!
Its past time where I lack motivation for everything that involves school. Like most seniors, I’m sitting back and relaxing a little too much. 10 days are left of this school year. (We aren’t expected to come after June 15th.) OMG!
Our last year….. scary right? Counting down day by day till it comes time to finally leave.
Stay Strong. We will make it together, Class of 2016. We are Warriors!
See you at Prom this Friday! Make the decisions on Friday night that you wish you will have made on Saturday morning.