What is Your Favorite Class?

Ricky Astudillo ’15

Mr. Brown helps students develop their interest in writing.

With the year half done, everyone has their own opinion on their favorite class. In a Town Hall poll, History, Biology, Drama, English, Geometry, and Gym were common answers. It is a simple question, but a lot of intricate variables factor in to the answer. What is the teacher like? What time of day is the class? What is the curriculum? Is the work load reasonable? All of these things work together to determine which class is a favorite.

Xander Dyer ’17 and Aiden Maloney ’17 agreed that History is their favorite subject. “It is interesting, different, and easy to stay focused,” they remarked. Ethan Heckler ’17 has another opinion, “Biology is my favorite class. It’s more fun to learn about life and the body.” Which class is more entertaining also has a lot to do with interests outside of the classroom. “P.E. is my favorite. I’m an athlete, so I love being active.” said Jordan Allen ’15. Some students are more swayed by the teacher, than the actual subject. Grace Schroeder ’14 pointed out that English is her favorite class, because “I love writing with Mr. Brown.” Jackson Hambridge ’17 enjoys Geometry because Dr. Wiersma is his favorite teacher. Even if a student isn’t exactly talented in a subject, a passionate teacher can make a huge difference in how they view a class or subject. No matter what students look for in a class, Wakefield has a variety of class options including Business, Yearbook, Technology, Journalism, Psychology, and so much more. Talk to your counselor about scheduling options. Branch out and try something new next year!