Meet the Band: Frame by Frame
It all started in Mr. Stewart’s English class, with what seemed like a regular assignment but led to so much more. Three sophomores had to write songs for an English project, and thus the band was born. Juniors Carl Banrett (drums), Pierre-Anne Laird (Guitar and Bass), and Julian Calhown (Vocals and Rhythm Guitar), have made their very own band called Frame by Frame, It all started here at Wakefield in C-358!
“We were writing love songs for Mr. Stewart’s English class and then started writing seriously” said Banrett. The boys talked about how what seemed like a silly project led to them writing even more songs.

These three students are still somewhat new to all this. They have added some more members to the band (Lamont on Bass and Pedro on Guitar), and they’re on the road to finding their distinct sound.
“We are mostly indie rock, and alternative, and a lot of original stuff” said Laird. Calhown added that they kinda sound, “like the Arctic Monkeys“. The band still isn’t exactly sure how to describe their sound, but for now they are just going with what they like. They all try to work together on original songs but, “the stuff that Julian writes is different” said Banrett.
Lamont McDowell just joined a month ago when Carl mentioned something to him at the end of Lacrosse season. His most memorable moment in this short time with Frame by Frame was when they played “Pumped Up Kicks. The rhythm of the bass sets the tone in that song and it just felt really good.”

Interested in having the band play at your next event? They are on IG at Frame_x_Frame_. Contact them there.

Sophie Hott is a senior at Wakefield this year, and this is her 4th year on The Chieftain. This year she is the Features and Lifestyle Editor. If she isn't...