They’re Coming! Rising 9th Graders Invade Wakefield

Alex Gilmore ’14

Rising 9th graders invade the library.

The band played to welcome the swarm of rising 9th graders to Wakefield today. Freshman orientation day was finally here. Next year’s freshmen learned about the electives and clubs Wakefield has to offer. The elective list seemed endless: Band, Chorus, Art, Orchestra, Technology and Engineering, Photography, Food and Fitness, and Theatre Arts teachers talked about the unique aspects of their classes.

Then, the clubs came on stage and students shared what the Minority Girls’ Group, COHORT, Upstanders, Hispanic Student Association, Student Government Association, Red Cross Club, Interact club, Basketball teams, Cheerleading squad, and Journalism elective class and club could offer to each student’s high school experience.

The rising freshmen got hyped and roared when the Girls’ Basketball team threw t-shirts out into the audience. It was an exciting event for both enthusiastic incoming high school students as well as the about to graduate seniors. Despite the time limit, and every seat occupied feeling in the auditorium, current eighth graders got a small taste of the variety of different passions Wakefield supports.

Students buzzed with conversation as they exited the auditorium to embark on a tour of the spacious new Wakefield building. The Chieftain journalists, doing what they do best, seized the moment to interview wandering students. One student commented that Wakefield is “the most awesome school ever”. He continued, “I thought this would be really boring but it’s actually really fun, I wish I could come back every day”. Well, he will next year.

Many other future students took the opportunity to walk up the stairs, explore the different floors and did not hesitate to explore the spacious library, town hall, and gym. One young lady cheerfully described the school as “nice and big”. The soon to be high-schoolers all seemed to agree. Another incoming freshman said she wanted to contribute to the high school by participating in clubs and activities that emphasized “leadership like the student government”.

The day was popular among the students because it showed how the new high school can provide endless opportunities to become an active member in both the school and community. Two smiling young ladies stood with their best friends observing the bustling scenery of the town hall and concluded that the school was “definitely big” and one of the ladies stated that she is especially looking forward to joining the Journalism class because she is a “natural writer who has a passion for what she creates”.

The incoming freshmen seem to have school spirit already.