6 Ways to Beat the Heat this Summer
* Drink more water. Don’t like the taste? Add fruit or cucumber slices to your water to make it taste more interesting. Don’t know how much to drink? Check your pee to see what you need. (ewww, but accurate) The lighter your pee, the more hydrated you are. If your pee is amber colored or darker, drink some water. Right now. Eat your water! Fruits and vegetables have a high water content. There is nothing better than fresh fruit on a hot day.

*Do the fan trick. Face your fan OUT at night so that it sucks warm air out and pulls cool air in. It works.

*Cool down your car quickly. It can be the worst. Trying to get into a car after it has been in the sun makes you fee like you are stepping into an oven. Here is a trick to cool your car down before you get in.
*Get on the grass. If you are too hot, get off the sidewalks and asphalt. Stand on the grass. You will feel noticeably cooler in minutes.
If there is shade and grass, that is a bonus. If there are popsicles too, you stumbled into a pretty good day.
Have a Water Balloon fight. It is fun AND as the water on your clothes evaporates, it cools you. The Wakefield Action Media Crew shows you how it is done. Watch the video below.
*Tried everything and still too hot? Know the cooling points on your body. Put ice or something cold on your wrist or the back of your neck if you are really overheated.

Stay cool this summer, Wakefield.