It’s Time for Gamers to Game: New Video Games for Holiday Season
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It’s that time of the year, the new videos games have come out. These three games are the hottest to come out right now. You need to play them. They are available in PC, Xbox 1, and PS4 formats.
The new Call of Duty has come out and everyone is spending their free time playing it. This Call of Duty is making people go nuts because there are no more boosters; it’s just straight modern, feet on the ground. Another reason why people are going crazy for it is because it goes back in time to World War II. The games before took place in the future, and the COD community hated them. It’s a really entertaining game, and I’m happy that these COD people finally got it right for once.
Assassin’s Creed Origins came out last month, and it’s the new addition to the Assassin’s Creed series. It takes place back when Egypt’s pyramids were being built. It’s more difficult than the other Assassin’s Creed games, but that’s what I like, a challenge. The past Assassin’s Creed games weren’t very good; the community didn’t like them because every game took place in the same time period in England. The graphics improved so much and look so good compared to the other games.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole is a game that came out last month, and has people waiting in line. This game is the second game in the South Park series; if you haven’t played or watched the last South Park game, I highly recommend you do before playing The Fractured Butt Hole. The gaming community has embraced the game; the graphics, the story line, and the villain have all improved. The creators put easter eggs, or inside jokes, which give clues into the next game. It’s really difficult to find the easter eggs which adds another level of entertainment to this game.
Overall, this holiday season will be a good one for the gamer community.

Jonathan is a freshman at Wakefield High School. This is his first year doing Journalism and he is excited to see how it works out. In his free time, he...