The Chieftain Tries Pinterest Holiday Treats So You Don’t Have To
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Nothing gets you in the holiday mood like festive food. Pinterest is the place to go for holiday treats, so The Chieftain decided to put some famous Pinterest recipes to the test. Here’s what we found that works, and what doesn’t.
First off, Brownie Santa Claus Hats:
Step 1: The first step is to cut off the tops of strawberries to shape the Santa hat.
Step 2: Place a small amount of whipped cream on the brownie to make the white part of the hat. Make sure the whipped cream stays in the center of the brownie!
Step 3: Place the strawberry on top so the whipped cream comes out on the sides, and completely surrounds the strawberry.
Step 4: Put a small drop of whipped cream on top of the strawberry to make the white puff on the top of the hat. This is the hardest part, but using a knife helps with precision!
This is what your final product should look like:
Recap: These ended up looking the best out of all the treats, were the easiest to complete, and tasted absolutely amazing. But be careful when doing the top of the Santa Hat… precision is key.
Next up, Nutter Butter Reindeer:
Step 1: Start off by putting chocolate frosting on the whole front side of the Nutter Butter. But don’t put too much frosting, you don’t want the nutter butter to lose it’s shape.
Step 2: Put some chocolate frosting on the back of the Nutter Butter and grab the two pretzels. Put the pretzels on the back off the nutter butter so that the frosting holds them in place. These are the antlers!
Step 3: You’re going to need three M&Ms on the reindeer’s face: a red one for the nose and two brown ones for the eyes.
Step 4: Last but not least, put the 2 brown M&Ms on the frosted cookie. Put a drop (just a drop) of white frosting on each of the brown M&Ms to make eyes.
Recap: These were pretty easy to make, kind of looked like reindeer if you tried, and were really delicious!
Next we have Nutter Butter Penguins:
Step 1: Coat the Nutter Butter cookie in black icing or frosting.
Step 2: Put two small dollops of white icing on the Nutter Butter to resemble the eyes, then put two dollops of black icing on the white icing to finish the eyes!
Step 3: Cut a orange Starburst (or orange M&M if you don’t have Starburst) to make a triangle. Place it on the Nutter Butter to make the penguin’s nose!
Step 4: Voilà! Your Nutter Butter penguin is complete.
Recap: As you can see, The Chieftain struggled a bit with this one. The black icing we used was a little more runny than we were expecting. Try using thicker icing so it doesn’t spill of the Nutter Butter.
The next treat The Chieftain attempted was Doughnut Snowmen:
Step 1: Stack three white powdered donuts on top of each other, and stick a pretzel through them, so they stay stacked on top of each other.
Step 2: Cut an ornage starburst into a triangle shape and place it in the middle of the top donut as a nose.
Step 3: Use two brown M&M’s as the eyes.
Step 4: Finally, brake a pretzel stick in half and place the two parts on the sides of the middle donut as arms. Finished!
This should be your final product:
Recap: These were a little more labor intensified, the tricky part is getting the nose to stay on the snowman…You should use some white icing to get it to stay. Maybe yours won’t look like zombie snowmen.
Lastly, we have Rice Crispy Treat Trees:
Step 1: First things first, cut the Rice Crispy treat into the shape of a triangle to symbolize the trees. Some of us used the pretzels as a trunk and others just shaped a tree out of the whole Rice Crispy.
Step 2: After the tree is made, use green and brown frosting to decorate! You can use sprinkles to act as lights on the tree and a yellow M&M as the star.
Step 3: Finished, eat up!
Recap: These were really good and the only part that was tough was cutting the Rice Crispy treat into the perfect tree shape.
That’s it! These treats are very simple and shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes to make. If you don’t like these treats, click here to find more easy holiday treat ideas.
The Chieftain hopes you enjoy your Winter break, and have a happy holiday!

Hi my name's Elena! I'm a senior here at Wakefield and I've been on The Chieftain since my freshmen year. I work at Dogma Bakery where I get to hang out...