Another Month of Fantastic Work: Students of the Month
It’s that time of month again! In case you don’t know, Student of the Month is a staff chosen award given to certain students of Wakefield who exceed teachers standards in the class. It can be based upon grades, participation, effort put into the work or just being a kind person in school.
Whenever Student of the Month takes place, the students are asked about the award. The first thing asked was “How does this award make you feel about school?” Senior Tanni Barwa said, “It makes me feel proud.” Junior Darlene Rojas said, “I feel so thankful because I always try to do my best.” Lastly, senior Sarah Steffen said, “Winning this award makes me so happy and even more excited for school!”
The next thing asked was “Does this award make you want to do better, why?” Sophomore Hugo Sandaval said, “This award certainly makes me want to do better. This award shows me that I am capable of excelling academically and going above and beyond.” Freshman Sara Tefera said, “Yes! It makes me feel recognized for all my hard work.” Finally, sophomore Anna Ingram said, “This award does make me want to do better because its a symbol of the fact that I’ve been doing well, and I want to keep that up.”
The last thing asked to the Students of the Month was “What advice would you give to someone trying to become SotM?” Junior Samu Alkhoul said, “Keep going. You’re gonna reach your goal.” Junior Josue Cineros said, “Don’t give up. Worry about yourself instead of other people. I came from straight E’s to A’s and B’s by staying after with teachers and using my extra time wisely.” Last but not least, junior Cambria White said, “My advice to students trying to become student of the month is to study hard, not procrastinate, and know that your work will pay off later.”
If you are trying to become Student of the month, follow some of the advice and don’t give up; there are still plenty of options to win the award.
Good luck to all the students trying, and congratulations to all those who won!

Sophie Hott is a senior at Wakefield this year, and this is her 4th year on The Chieftain. This year she is the Features and Lifestyle Editor. If she isn't...