Start 3rd Quarter Off Right!
Congrats, you survive the first semester of the school year! Last week was been a grind for everyone, getting all that work in so our report cards look good. January felt like it was 5 weeks long. Now, we get a fresh start. The 3rd quarter, second semester, a clean slate. Even with the fresh start, there are a lot of things going on that could prevent you from success, so here are some times to get your work done and stay on top of your grades!
Before School – Most teachers get here by 7:45am to answer questions and help anyone who needs it. Make sure to talk to your teacher to see if there is a time you can meet before school.
Warrior’s Period – Arguably, the most underused period, Warriors’ Period was created to give busy people time to do work during the day so they can do activities after school.
Saturday Academy – This is not the detention group; this is a study hall for kids who need a space to work, and there are tutors there to help! Saturday Academy meets in the library every Saturday morning (except holiday weekends) from 9am-12pm.
Lunch Labs – Lunches are a good time to get work done when you don’t have a second to spare. There is a Math lab, Science lab, History lab and The Write Place! Check out the W.A.M. videos (here and here) to see where the labs are. Bring your lunch and continue the grind!
The Library – Open from 7:45am-4: 00 pm, Monday-Thursday and 7:45am-3: 30 pm on Friday. Our awesome librarians are there to help you find the books you are looking for and there is a “Quiet Area” for an individual, concentrated study time. They are not open during Warriors’ Period.
Email – Sometimes there is just no way to get the work done with your club meetings and practices after schools or if there is an emergency that comes up. If that is the case, don’t hesitate to email your teachers and ask for an extension. Here is a staff directory. They were in high school at some point, so they know how it feels. Some assignments have hard deadlines that can’t get changed, but explain your situation and hope for the best!
Keep up the good work and let’s start this quarter strong, Warrior Nation!

Hi, my name is Hannah. I am a senior and this is my second year as a staff writer on The Chieftain. I'm also the captain of the basketball team and a student...