Spring Sports Tryouts: Where to Go

February 18, 2018
Spring sports are right around the corner and it’s okay to be nervous. If it’s your first year, and first time trying out for a sport at Wakefield, you may be confused where to go or what to do, that’s why I’m here.
There are a variety of sports here at Wakefield and all are worth giving a shot. These are the locations, dates, and requirements for each of the spring sports.
Baseball – February 20th – Barcroft Park – dress warm, bring water and proper shoes.
Boys Lacrosse – February 20th – Stadium Field, 5-6:30 – bring sweatpants, water, and running shoes.
Boys Soccer – February 20th – Stadium Field, 3:15-5 for 9th and 10th graders, 6:15 for 11th and 12th graders – bring soccer cleats, water, and water.
Crew – February 20th – Basement Level – bring sweats, hats, sneakers, dress warm, and bring water.
Girls Lacrosse – February 20th – Stadium Field, 5-6:30, bring sneakers, sweats and water bottles.
Girls Soccer – February 20th –
Stadium Field, 3:15-5 for 9th and 10th graders, 6:15 for 11th and 12th graders – bring soccer cleats, water, and water.
Softball – February 20th – Softball Field, 3:15-5 – gloves, sneakers, water and remember to dress warm.
Track – February 26th – Stadium Field – Track, or Basement Level at 3:30 – proper shoes, water, and dress warm.
Boys Tennis – February 20th – Tennis Courts at 3:30 – tennis rackets, tennis shoes, sweats, water.
Girls Tennis – February 20th – Tennis Courts at 3:30 – tennis rackets, tennis shoes, sweats, water.
Remember to give your best effort during tryouts and go Warriors!!!