Students of the Month: Who Are They?
It’s time again to visit more amazing Students of the Month at Wakefield! If you don’t already know, Student of the Month is a staff given award based on who has exceeded expectations for hard work in class, or just being a great students overall. This month, The Chieftain decided to find out more about these students and dig deeper into what makes them successful.
Here is what they had to say:
Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like?
Freshman Jack Nickerson said, “I am inspired by Elon Musk. He is a very intelligent and successful person, and he is not afraid to try new things, even if he fails.”
Junior Angela Cuspora said, “I’m inspired by my volleyball coach, I want to be like him because he is always improving his knowledge and working hard.”
Junior Jose Pomarino Nima said, “Ms. Naylor inspires me because she helps me realize my mistakes and helps correct them. She is always willing to help students, and loves teaching.”
Whether it be teachers here at Wakefield, or a celebrity, everyone has someone that inspires them.
What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
Junior Eamon Bartlett said, “raise my hand in class.”
Senior Myar Alqdeimat said, “sky-diving.”
Senior Jael Espinoza said, “to try a sport or sing in front of a huge crowd alone.”
Everyone has something that scares them, even Students of the Month.
If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be?
Sophomore Amro Alqdeimat said, “Elon Musk. Because I would what it’s like to change the world.”
Junior Krissia Jal said, “maybe with some K-Pop artist to see how it feels to feel love from people that barely know you, but they love how you sing and dance.”
Congratulations to all the Students of the Month, The Chieftain wishes you the best this semester, keep up the good work! If you want to be SotM just keep pushing yourself and don’t forget to be a positive role model. Good luck and keep up the excellent work, warriors!

Sophie Hott is a senior at Wakefield this year, and this is her 4th year on The Chieftain. This year she is the Features and Lifestyle Editor. If she isn't...