Black Panther Creates Black History
The release of Black Panther a week ago has left everyone in awe. Marvel has finally shined a light on Africa in a successful and powerful way, when it could have easily been portrayed as a war torn continent. This movie is a must see, and here’s why:
The film is about the main character T’Challa, Chadwick Boseman, He returns to the nation of Wakanda following the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War. After his father’s death, T’Challa returns to take his rightful place as king. T’Challa is faced with great danger that could put Wakanda and the rest of the world at risk. Black Panther finally brings diversity into the community of Marvel while keeping the heroic dynamics alive.
This couldn’t have been a more perfect time to release this movie, considering it is Black History Month; it allows those in the African American community to see actors with their skin tone showing pride in their culture and honor for where they came from.
This movie has quickly become a favorite for many, seeing as Marvel was given the opportunity to do something different. They brought new elements to the production of this film such as including many traditional African cultures (when usually its a mix of all types of cultures sloped together with no distinction). Another important aspect of this film was visibility. Young girls can see themselves in Ramonda, Nakia, Okoye, and Shuri (played by Angela Bassett, Lupita Nyong’o, Danai Gurira, and Letitia Wright.)
These powerful Black women stole the movie from the male leads. It is important because it allows young girls to see that they can be powerful and inspiring. They can be queen. They can be a warrior. They can make themselves be heard. In this social media culture of if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen, this is arguably the most important take away from the movie. According to, here are some more important points that you may have missed if you have seen the movie.
Black Panther is a powerful portrayal of African ancestry; it displays strength and unity and allows the audience to feel glorious in their skin.

Mia is 16 and a senior. This is her first year on The Chieftain staff. She loves fashion, music, and make up. She's lived in NY for the majority of her...