Chieftain Staff’s Favorite Apps
Daily Horoscope: “It’s correct every single day; the accuracy is incredible” Cara Poythress ’15 stated. Daily Horoscope is an app that tells you what your day will be like depending on your astrological sign. Some say that reading their horoscope helps them process and choose how to spend their day.
Vinted: “It’s so cool, I use it all the time!” Mia Field ’15 commented. Vinted is a site and an app that allows you to not only sell your clothes for thrift store prices, but you also have the option of trading your clothes for others that you like more.
TED: “It’s great when you are bored on the bus ride home” Roxy Kasgarli ’14 shared. TED is an app that talks about fascinating world topics through videos and podcasts. All around the world, people are interviewed who have varying interests.
Clash of Clans: “It’s our favorite game” Leo Biette-Timmons ’14 and Olivia Ceccato ’16 said. Clash of Clans is a combat strategy game, the goal of the game is to protect your village and advance in the land. It is considered to be not only fun but extremely addictive.
Thefind: “I use it all the time” explained Betty Taye ’14. Thefind is an app that allows you to search for a product and find which store has it for the lowest price. It also notifies you when stores you like are having a sale. Its a great app to have if you are on a budget.
Tip ’N Split: Have you ever gone out to a restaurant with friends and tried to figure out how much to tip or how to split the check? Tip N’ Split makes it easy to split a check or even find the perfect tip! It is super convenient and its an app that everyone should have.
Google Maps: “It has saved my life a million times” Madeline Brophy ’14 shared. Google Maps is an improved version of Apple maps. If you need an app to help you get where you are going Google Maps is top rated.
Foursquare: “You check in where you are and you can see where your friends are, too” Luiza Sevele ’15 said with a smile. Foursquare helps you locate your friends, allow your friends to locate you, and help you find the coolest places to go. Foursquare is a must have if you want to know where all of the popular places are.
What is YOUR favorite APP, Wakefield?

pressed against the pane could see the veins and there was poison out
resting in a raze the inner claims I hadn’t breadth to shake
searching for an...