Students of the Month Give Advice on How to End the Year Strong
Once again it’s time for the Chieftain photo opp to celebrate more amazing Students of the Month. SotM are chosen by the Wakefield staff; the awards are given to students who are putting in that extra work. You can be chosen as SotM for many different reasons, such as being an A student, working hard in class, staying after school, or just being kind to your fellow students.
We asked this month’s students how they stay motivated at a time when it can be hard to find motivation. Sophomore Devon Graham said, “The thing that keeps me motivated is my friends.” Junior Kim A. said, “Failing isn’t the move, if you first don’t succeed try again.” Senior Tori Lynn said, “stay positive, work hard, prioritize, and don’t procrastinate.” Wise words from students who got awarded for their hard work.
One way to stay motivated is to set goals so you know where you are going. Freshman Karen C. has a solid goal. She said, “learn English better and to graduate from school.” Sophomore Mohamed Swie has a lofty goal and said, “to make every student and teacher remember me.” Junior Nadia Bejerano said that her goal is to “have all A’s by the end of the school year, as well as next year.” These goals are attainable with determination.
We had to ask these students of the month advice on how to get this award. Freshman Nourhan Gamal said, “I would tell them to work hard and follow your dream. Do all your work in time and try to organize your time.” Freshman Alena Dillner gave away her secret to success; “don’t ever stop putting in full effort in your work. No matter if you get a bad grade, be optimistic and look at where you went wrong. Always have a positive mentality, and it will benefit you.” Sophomore Alejandra Galdo gave some very practical advice and said, “as long as you are trying your best and are making a positive impact in and out of school, your teachers will notice the effort you are making.”
There are two more opportunities (May and June) to be a Student of the Month, so keep hope. Good luck, Warriors!

Sophie Hott is a senior at Wakefield this year, and this is her 4th year on The Chieftain. This year she is the Features and Lifestyle Editor. If she isn't...