Our Students of The Month Are Going Strong
May 22, 2018
It’s time for more amazing Students of the Month. In case you don’t already know, the Student of the Month award is a staff chosen award given to the students who excel at work inside the classroom. There are multiple things you can do to become a SotM; having good grades, cooperating with teachers, and being kind to your peers are a few ideas. The Student of the Month award is something most students strive for at least once in their high school career. Here are some tips from this month’s students.
The Chieftain asked the Students of the Month how they are staying motivated to finish the school year strong. Sophomore Maria said, “I want to be a good student and go to college.” Also junior Nathalie Chambi said, “by staying focused and keeping my grades up!” Lastly freshman Emely Velasquez said, “Thinking about the future and to reaching my goal.”
The Chieftain then asked what advice they would give to others. Junior Oliver Gaither said, “never give up and hope for the best!” Sophomore David Escobar, “try your best at school and participate as well. Ask for help if needed.” And lastly, sophomore Jonathan Ferrufino said, “strive no matter [what].” Freshman Rosa Maria Carias Espinoza said “Me siento orgullosa de ser un estudiante del mes y les dijo que luchen por lo que quieren, que si se puede.” which translates to “I feel proud of being a Student of the Month and [you should] strive for what you want. Yes you can.”

If you missed ANY of the photo shoots for Student of the Month this year, COME TO OUR FINAL PHOTO SHOOT on Thursday, June 7th during Warriors’ Period.
(That is the FINAL WP of the year!!!!)