Graduation 2018 was ALL CAPS!
Students get to decorate graduation caps for first time this year.
When Dr. Willmore made the official announcement that students could decorate their graduation caps at rehearsal last Thursday morning, the gym was full of cheers and whispered plans as to what was going on those caps. In the past students have not had the opportunity to decorate, so students took advantage of this opportunity to be creative one last time at Wakefield.
Some decorated their caps for their parents:

Some decorated their caps to share what is most important to them:
A few used the blank canvas to share where they were going to college:
Here are our Class of 2018 graduates just before they walked into Constitution Hall:
What everyone had in common was that they were waiting to throw their caps in the air to signify that they were officially graduates of Wakefield High School. Enjoy this specific time in your life. Nothing feels like this feeling. Congratualtions Class of 2018!
Here is the moment you became graduates: