Spanish Honor Society Inducts New Members
June 13, 2014
Ms. Reder would like to congratulate the following students who were selected to lead the Wakefield High School National Spanish Honor Society in 2014-2015:
President: Jasmine Latny
Vice President: Julio Lovo
Secretary: Rebeca Mercado
Historian: Amelia Witt
Treasurer: Eliza Moreno
Fundraising Committee Leader: Emma Burd
Publicity Committee Leader: Eve Giordano
Albricas (scholarships and literary contributions): Vanessa Plaza
Ms. Reder has big plans for next year including the annual fundraising for a global organization and a scholarship for SHS members. Emma Burd said she will be leading “more raffles like the piñata again. Bake sales, too!”
Interested in becoming a member of Spanish Honor society? Make sure you have at least a 3.5 GPA, be in Spanish 4 or higher, and maintain A’s and B’s in your Spanish class.