Girls Basketball: A Long Hard Journey
December 21, 2018
Our Girls Varsity Basketball team has had a tough season, suffering from a few loses but getting some strong wins to keep the motivation up.
“People get caught up in the loss instead of the journey. We are focused on the journey.” said Head Coach Ms. Richardson. This week was tougher than any this season.
The Girls Varsity team played Marshall on Tuesday, who were 6-2 before there matchup, beating teams that gave our girls some of there toughest losses. Our Warriors didn’t back down, putting up a hard fight, but in the end lost 38 – 20.
Over the break, the freshman and JV teams will have time to recover and prepare for the first game of the new year on January 10th. The Varsity Girls and Boys won’t have the same amount of recovery time, as they will be participating in two separate Holiday Hoops tournament on the 27th, 28th and 29th.
As a school, our New Year’s resolution should be too support our female athletes more. “Society has always differentiated boys from girls sport. Always going to boys sporting events even when their girls teams may be doing better…its disheartening” said Coach Richardson when asked how she felt about there being such few supporters at their games.

Girls Basketball is doing phenomenal, so come out and support them!