Heritage Week: Events Leading Up to the Show
An image from last year’s Heritage Assembly. The African Dance group were very popular with the crowd.
Heritage Assembly is next Friday. This is your chance to see all of the cultures our students have at Wakefield and be entertained by all of the talent we have at school. Before the show, we celebrate our heritage all week long.
Ms. O’Brien shared the memory that has stuck with her the most; “two years ago when the heritage assembly was over, we had painted a banner with all different flags from all over the world. There was a standing ovation and we were just all up there basking in the energy of such a great assembly and all the kids were standing and smiling from ear to ear. It was just a really powerful moment that Wakefield celebrated so many different kids’ heritages.”
Let’s get into the SPIRIT this year, Wakefield! There is a SPIRIT WEEK Monday, March 25th – Friday, March 29th! Let’s celebrate the last week of 3rd quarter and our cultures in style.
Monday is PJ Day
Tuesday is Decades Day (Step Afrika! visits Wakefield on 3/26, too! See them perform in the Auditorium during WP!)
Wednesday is Tourist Day
Thursday is Wakefield Gear Day
Friday is Celebrate Your Culture Day!
During the week of March 25th – March 29th some of the clubs (like the French and Spanish Honor Societies, Muslim Student Association, Latinas Leading Tomorrow, and Asian Club) will be celebrating their culture through events in Town Hall at all lunches.
Come make new memories with the S.G.A. and Asian Club! See you at the Heritage Assembly on March 29th in the Auditorium during 2nd period!