Students of the Month: Will You Do Work over Thanksgiving Break?

Thanksgiving Break is 24 hours and 42 minutes away. Students have to decide whether to take a mental break, or to do work and get caught up or ahead in their academic schedule. What will they do with their 5 days off this week? We turn to the Students of the Month for October for guidance.

Here is what they plan on doing to finish off November:

What are the freshmen going to do? Colton Thomas said what many of us plan to do, “I use breaks like this to spend time with family.” Phoebe Schaible boldly said, “It is time to spend being thankful, and I am not thankful for school work.” Zora Cotton said, “I will not be doing any school work over Thanksgiving break because I will be hanging out with family.” While that sounds like a solid plan, some freshmen are going to use this time for Academics. Ayana Henderson said “I’ll be studying Japanese over Thanksgiving Break, so I’ll pass upcoming exams and keep my good grade. I won’t study that much because my birthday is over Thanksgiving break.” A nice mix of both. Eben Zimmerman said, “I’m doing work over break because I have to catch up in a class, and since I have a test after, I have to keep my mind fresh.” Joseph Suarez is in a similar situation and said, “I have a quiz when Thanksgiving is over. Also, I have to read a book for English class.” Samonyia White said some wise words;”Because I like to be on top of my homework, and to make sure I don’t forget to do anything later, it’s better to do my homework now.”

Do the sophomores have any different plans? Sophomore Dulce Castillo said she isn’t doing school work over the break because, “I have none.” Our other sophomores aren’t so lucky. Lorena Barrientos said, “work is due on that week we come back.”Allison Escobedo said, “I am going to do any work I may be assigned during the break and will do some work to get ahead.” Kyndall Campbell said something similar, “I want to continue working really hard and to keep succeeding.” Bruck Mesfin had another reason. He said he wants to “learn something over the break.”

Our upperclassmen seem to be doing work of some sort. Junior Reyanna Daly said, “I am going to try and catch up on school work and try to get ahead if possible.” Senior Anna Ingram said, “I’m working on college stuff.” and senior Kezzia Jeiel said the plan is to “do extra reading to get work done in advance.”

So, listen to our Students of the Month. Get work done and make sure to find time for family and friends. Have a grat break, Warriors.