Eminem Pens Hurtful Lyric Towards Manchester Bombing
Last Friday, Eminem released a surprise album, Music to be Murdered By.
The song, “Unaccomodating” is very disrespectful towards the victims of The Manchester Bombing at a Ariana Grande concert in May of 2017. Hundreds were injured (half were children), and 22 people were killed. In the album, Eminem’s lyrics include, “I’m contemplating yelling ‘bombs away’ on the game like I’m outside an Ariana Grande concert.” Many people were offended by this, and Eminem was dragged for it all over social media. Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham spoke out and said, “This is unnecessarily hurtful and deeply disrespectful to the families and all those affected.”
Eminem has now tried to apologize, but I personally don’t see why he would release such hurtful lyrics in a song to begin with. Fans trying to defend him say he raised approximately 2 million to victims and families affected in the Manchester Bombing right after it happened. Is that why he thinks it is okay to include those lyrics? Because he helped? Does he think he has the right to say that? I don’t think this is right. He can talk and rap about the tragedy, but it is not a joking matter.
The album is titled, “Music to Be Murdered By” so, it is a dark album. Is he seeking attention with this lyric, or did he just not know it was insulting? Either way, musicians have a duty to treat their subject matter with respect. All Eminem can do now is apologize and learn from this.
I think people should still by his album if they want to, the part I heard was ok besides this lyric.

My name is Kimberli Tellez. I'm eighteen years old and I enjoy fashion and all the latest trends. I love to go shopping and spent time with my friends....