Spring Sports: It’s a Balancing Act

Photo found on Twitter @WakefieldLacro2
Boys Lacrosse conditioning in the weight room before the official start of the season next week.
Spring Sports start next week with Try Outs, and it’s important for student athletes to be prepared for the upcoming season. Balancing school with athletics, keeping your head on straight, and dealing with pressure are vital for student athletes. How can you excel both in school and sports?
Anyone who has ever tried out for a team knows the pressure; being nervous, getting butterflies in your stomach. After being asked about how she deals with pressure, Girls soccer player and junior Izzy Lettau said, “I try not to get in my own head, and I try to get excited for the season. Don’t be nervous. Just go out to tryouts and play as hard as you can.” Being confident and playing in the moment are the first steps towards success in sports. Practicing hard, getting to know people on the team, and having a positive attitude are all things that will help you take that step forward.
Many students have trouble managing their time between extracurriculars and school. When asked about how to balance academics and athletics, Girls lacrosse player and junior Ainsley Pollock said, “personally, I try to get my work done whenever I have a spare moment. This includes before practice and games, as well as time carved out during the school day.” Time management and a good work ethic are key during the Spring season. By planning out your days and avoiding procrastination, you can ensure that all your work is completed on time.
If you’re struggling with work, Warriors’ Period and lunch are great times to talk to your teachers, and use resources such as the Math Lab (A-304) and The Write Place (C-116). School should be prioritized over sports. Don’t slack on those grades; it is hard to pull a grade back up if it falls!
Being successful during this season is all about effort, even when you don’t feel like making the effort. Making sure to stay on top of your practices and your academics is the best way to ensure that you won’t get stressed out. This spring is your time to shine!

I'm Sid Moran, a staff writer for the Wakefield Chieftain. I like music, sports, and spending time with my friends and family. I hope to have a great year...