Boys Basketball Season Ends at Regional Semi-Finals: What Does Future Hold?
Last night (Thursday) was the final night of Boys Basketball for this season. We lost to Washington-Liberty 62 – 58, at our house. Crushing, because it was so close. Stinging, because it was at our house. Now is the time to say good bye to our beloved seniors and look to our juniors and sophomores to keep the tradition of outstanding Basketball alive for Wakefield.

It is tough to say goodbye, this group of boys has become more than a team and is a family. Senior Aaron Queen said, “We’ve grown to be close and they’re like my brothers. Zion Gladden, Charlie Madden, and Treyvon Todd have been through all 4 years of high school with me, it’s powerful to say we’ve won and lost together.”
We can be proud of a lot this season. The boys are completely different players from the 0-5 losing streak that started this season to making it to Regional action in the playoffs at the end of the season. Zion got his first dunk.

The Superfans showed up to support the players when it counted.

Senior Deniche Dicks said of the future of Wakefield Basketball, “the juniors and sophomores don’t know how much potential they have.” The juniors and sophomores have exemplified pure love of the sport. Junior Izaiah Lang said, “As underclassmen, learning from the seniors was very valuable to our mindset this season. Having their leadership really brought us together.” The team has learned from both their wins and losses.
We will see what the future holds. There is a lot to build on for next season.