Wakefield PTSA Plant Fundraiser is Back! Support Teacher Grants!

Wakefield’s annual PTSA Plant Sale fundraiser is here! Support the Wakefield community. Pick up is Saturday, April 24th at Wakefield.

This fundraiser has been going on for over 10 years, and is the only one the Wakefield PTSA holds all year. The money goes to funding important grants for teachers, students, and club activities for the next school year. In the past, the money has funded author visits, field trips to the Smithsonian, leadership conferences, volunteer events, and even entry fees for Louder Than a Bomb DMV.

Record-breaking numbers have caused the PTSA to stop accepting orders online. In just two weeks, they have exceeded sales by 15 percent.  There will still be plants for sale on Saturday, April 24. The PTSA will have plants from a Wakefield parent who donates seedlings of perennials and vegetables including the now famous warrior tomatoes.
Come on Saturday, April 24th and purchase plants to support teacher grants.