Get Your Season Passes Now
Photo by klblair on
Wakefield vs. Woodson. First Home Game. First Win. Don’t miss the next win.
The Athletic department has an easier way to get into sporting events this year, Warriors. Season passes are now available at Wakefield, very convenient for easy entry into games. The prices for each sports team (per person) are: $20 for Varsity Football, $20 for JV/Freshman Football, $25 for Field Hockey, and $45 for Girls and Boys Basketball.
Mr. Hailey says “Please get it, it’s very easy to do and is worth the price!” Go support our Wakefield Athletes. These season passes are only honored at HOME games. Here is the link to get your pass before the next big game:

Hello! My name is Jaden Anderson, I am a sophomore at Wakefield. This is my second year writing for The Chieftain and I have loved every minute of it....