How does spicy food makes your nose runny?
According to, when eating spicy food your body triggers your trigeminal sensory nerve that detects heat which causes your nose to be sensitive. The main reasons you may experience a runny nose is due to something called capsaicin which is a component in chili peppers. Not only is it in chili peppers, but it is also in many hot sauces.
When eating spicy food there are chemicals you are ingesting that irritate your body’s mucus which causes a flow of mucus down your nose. This is very common and can result in teary eyes and an upset stomach due to the amount of spice in the food. Eating spicy foods also causes stomach aches, headaches, heartburn and even diarrhea. Still, people love eating spicy foods because of the sensation of heat; it makes you crave more, and the more you eat, the spicier it gets.