104 Years Of Wisdom Shared At Wakefield

Ms. Miller shares her life experience in her book. It is available in the library.
December 17, 2014
Ramiro Pena, a video journalist for the Chieftain, went to the seminar late last month hosted by former math teacher, Martha Ann Miller. She spoke about her recently published book, The First Century and Not Ready for the Rocking Chair Yet. Ramiro got the opportunity to ask a few questions after Ms. Miller’s speech.
What advice would you give to high school students today?
She said, “We’re given one engine, we as an individual are an engine. I’d say take care of it. Treat it right. Don’t do the things that are destructive.” She added, “Eat nothing but fruit for breakfast.”
What is your most memorable experience as a teacher?
She said, “One thing I did while teaching math was that I knew students didn’t like to come up to the teacher’s desk to ask questions, so I would just walk around the room. I spent most of my time teaching standing up.”
What is your most memorable experience from high school?
She said that she joined the debate team and from there she learned how to become a better public speaker; “[I joined] to help prepare myself to speak before people because before [i would never] say anything.” She added that this helped when she, “got out of college in 1934, I couldn’t get a job because of the [Great] Depression years, only 1 person out of 51 got a job. And that’s when some friends that I worked for at Purdue had moved to Washington to take a job…And they invited me to come here to find a job…And I did, making salads in the cafeteria…” She worked many different jobs, mentioning a gift shop worker and a Washington Light and Gas Operator, all the experiences helping her to be better prepared for life.
You can find Ms. Miller’s book in the library.
Ramiro Pena • Jan 26, 2015 at 10:16 am
This came out really well. Who edited this?