November Students of the Month

Taylor White ’15

Students stack their successes to earn this honor.

The November students of the month were decided about a week ago! Each month an administrator, counselor, or teacher is able to nominate a student. This month Wakefield has recognized 55 students for the student of the month award.

When students were asked how they felt about winning, junior Sean Romiti-Schulze said, “I guess I feel as though my immediate reaction to being named student of the month was like, ‘You’re sure it’s me?’ since I’m more of a guy who prefers to stay in the background. My motivation was, I guess, more of a ‘strive to stay ahead’ than popularity if I win, and even then I just try to work my best, and hardest, all the time, regardless of what it’s for.”

Freshamn Bella Bauerova said, “I feel pretty dope being student of the month for the third time in a row. This is my first year at Wakefield and I love it here.” (Her nickname is now student of the month.) Freshman London Barnes said, “I feel great about winning student of the month; I  just had a positive mind set and was determined to win.”

Lastly, senior Christian Ventura said, “I feel very happy and confident…I would have never thought that I would get this far, It’s my last year; I can’t wait to finish my awesome animation for senior project…why I won this award.”

It is great that Wakefield takes time to recognize these students for their efforts. The November students of the month are located here .

Who will be the next #studentofthemonth?