First Day
Getting lost on the first day of school is a rite of passage for incoming freshman. At Wakefield this year, even the upperclassmen had to worry about stepping into the wrong classroom.
Aside from the unfinished gymnasiums, the school has been well received. The modern color schemes, curved hallways, and architectural light features are some of the sensational aspects of this new building.
Given the enormity of the school, most would think the students feel small in comparison. This is not the case. The quantity of students in this new school is enormous. When the final bell rings, it can feel like a concert has just ended.
The main entrance looks to be overflowing with students, all coming from different areas of the school.
The student population has grown by over 100 students in just two months. Wakefield now has over 1,560 students and is still increasing.
Wakefield has existed for over six decades; just because the old building will be torn down, that does not mean that Warrior Nation goes down with it. We have all gathered here to continue the Warrior legacy.
The notable legend that is Wakefield will continue in the new school. We will keep striving, and be stronger than before. The help of a brand new facility is pleasant, but we have always been a family of Warriors. We will stand steadfast to the passing of time. We are Wakefield.