A Club With Integrity: Latinas Leading Tomorrow (LLT)

Rebecca Matos ’18

LLT pose for the camera during their after school club meeting this month.

Latinas Leading Tomorrow (LLT) was founded at Wakefield in 2004 by Ms. Lasalle (currently at the Arlington Career Center). The organization talks about the future of Latina girls and helps them become successful. The club started off with nine girls but became increasingly popular and is now at Gunston Middle School and Yorktown High School as well. There is even an LLT Elite which is a club outside of school. In this Elite clubs, Hispanic ladies can learn new leadership skills and compete for internships. Shockingly, there was no LLT last year at Wakefield because the club could not find a sponsor; Ms. Buzzi and Ms. Covarubias stepped in this year, and the club is doing great things again for young girls. The goal of Latinas Leading Tomorrow is to make a difference in the community, especially to Hispanic girls who may not otherwise have mentors and role models.  LLT hopes to empower girls to strive for greatness and never stop dreaming regardless of race or gender.

During the club meetings, the girls communicate with other girls about current problems and discuss the importance of college. Laura, from Yorktown, created the popular and powerful hashtag, #We’reNotHereToCleanYourHouse. No explanation needed, just recognition given.

LLT visited Princeton, Marymount, NOVA, and George Mason this fall and winter. At each site they met with a school representative who talked to them about possible futures at the locations. LLT is all about helping young ladies secure their place in the world. It isn’t all about college help, though. LLT wants to give back to the community as well. They have collected 3,000 bottle caps (and counting) to help give the gift of free dialysis to those who need it. They were at the Heritage Lunch in Town Hall last week, helping to make their presence known.

Follow these inspiring and aspiring young women @wakefieldLLT. Interested in joining the club? They meet the Tuesday we come back from Spring Break, April 7th, after school in A-134.