$5 Formals Are Back: Feel Like a Queen for the Night

Elizabeth I on her throne.
It’s time for spring cleaning! Clear out your closet and donate new and barely worn formal wear to Interact Club’s $5 Formals! Donate any kind of CLEAN formal attire; including clothes but also accessories and hardly worn shoes.
Find donation bins in the main office and Ms. Labella’s room, A-137! Other donation locations are:
All donations are due by April 14th. All the proceeds go to Arlington’s Stratford Program, a secondary school for APS students with special needs. Donate away!
Interested in purchasing formal wear for $5? Everything will be on sale on April 21st and 22nd, during all lunch periods in Town Hall as well as after school in Room A-134!
Eager and need a sneak peek? There will be preview days on the 19th and 20th of April!
Good luck and happy shopping!

Katelyn is a sophomore at Wakefield, but this is her first year in journalism. She enjoys petting dogs, drinking tea, and meeting new people, although...