Wakefield’s Annual 5K Raises Money…No Sweat!
On a rainy Saturday, April 2nd the Wakefield community laced em up and prepared to run for a good cause! The Annual Wakefield 5k started off with a bang… around 100 participants ran 5 kilometers (roughly 3 miles) this year to help raise money for the Wakefield Scholarship Foundation.
Naol Dinku won first place in the race. When asked what he did to prepare, he simply said, “I run track.” Beloved PE teacher, Mr. Mallon was Dinku’s motivation. Mr. Mallon had been talking for three months about how he was “going to smoke him to the finish line.” Mr. Mallon finished 40 seconds behind Dinku. Dinku said, “the 5K wasn’t that long, but the trash talking was forever.” Well done, Dinku. Well done!

Dr. Weirsma started the runners off with a solid pace.
The event raised a substantial amount of money for the Wakefield Scholarship Foundation. This foundation was founded in 1960 and has helped 10,639 student go to college.
The Wakefield 5K has become a well known tradition for the community.
Mr. Rubenstein and Mr. Mallon were in charge of this year’s charity run.

Mr. Cabana and Ms. Leich created student teams to run in the race.
They have been a part of the 5K for two years in a row. #traditioninthemaking #warriornation