Help Out the People of Venezuela!
The people of Venezuela are in a economic and social crisis. How can you help? Donate everyday goods to Wakefield’s very own Red Cross Club and National Spanish Honor Society!
Both clubs are coming together to help make a difference in the lives of the Venezuelans. Between May 2-13, they will be collecting everyday items along with common medicines (Tylenol for children, Adult Tylenol, vitamins, diapers, plastic bed pads, antibiotic cream, band-aids, soap, toothpaste, etc.) Click here to learn more about Ayuda Humanitaria para Venezuela, the organizations that will help distribute everything Wakefield donates to those in need.
Ms. Beverage thinks you should help because, “there is a dire lack of medical supplies (in addition to other goods and resources) that is country-wide. The Venezuelan government is unwilling to ask for help because they are unwilling to recognize the fact that the country is in crisis; and it is important that groups of people outside of the country come together to help in any ways that we can.”
Still unsure about what to get? Here’s a link to help you understand the needs of the Venezuelan people. Other questions? Contact Ms. Gaither, Mrs. Beverage (C-225), or Mrs. Reder (C-228).
Katelyn is a sophomore at Wakefield, but this is her first year in journalism. She enjoys petting dogs, drinking tea, and meeting new people, although...