Join Teen Network Board to Have Power in Your Community

Teen Network Board at the county fair this past summer.

Photo found @arlingtontnb

Teen Network Board at the county fair this past summer.

Tired of adults making decisions for your community? Be part of change. Join the Teen Network Board!

The Teen Network Board is a great way to have your voice heard! It is a teen appointed advocacy group with connections all around Arlington. If you join, you can help Arlington teens in many different ways: bullying prevention, drug and alcohol prevention, and overall communications.

Some of the teen board member’s most impactful memories are when they go to middle schools in Arlington and do a “myth busters” by telling them what high school is really like.

It is easy to join; all you need to do is fill out an online application. TNB does not have enough Wakefield students on it for Wakefield’s voice to be represented in our community. Join the board today!