Did Trump Spill The Beans To Russia?

Photo Found @HovLian

Photo Found @HovLian

Our current situation with Russia isn’t a pretty one, explained in another article in The Chieftain. In short, Russia currently is more of an adversary than a friend, which is why there was an uproar because our POTUS gave them top secret info. (from The Washington Post)

Yup. This is according to unnamed current and former U.S. Officials. But wait, there is something else, this information jeopardized an ally that has access to the inner workings of the self proclaimed Islamic State, AND this partner didn’t give permission to the U.S. to share this info with ANYBODY. This information was restricted to the point that our greatest allies and even high ranking U.S. Officials didn’t know this information.

Yet another heavily criticized action of our POTUS. What will happen in the war against the self proclaimed Islamic State now that our Ally is in jeopardy?