What’s Science Olympiad?
At the beginning of the month, the recently resurrected Science Olympiad club had their first official meeting. Here’s what this whole club was about, and before you ask, this is not STEM club, no, just no.
In order to talk about Science Olympiad (or SciO) we need to know what it is. To answer that question we have Junior Kyle David Byrne, the new Administrative force in the club to answer this question: “Science Olympiad is a great opportunity for all students to participate in a competitive science arena, in multiple events ranging from chemistry, biology, physics, material sciences, and you get to build a lot of fun stuff. Come check us out in B-214, TUesdays after school.” While many would confuse the club for the newer STEM club, the SciO team has a more competitive background and has a larger number of events to choose from.
The club is for anyone, regardless of your scientific background or age. I can attest to this, as this is my third year joining, but don’t take it from me as their are many who can say the same. This is what Senior Danny Donate-Perez, our new events lead, has to say about the club: “Science Olympiad is a lot of fun, involves…building things, hanging out, studying, learning, and doing cool stuff.” If that’s not enough we have Senior Saleha Hoffman with this: “I have always wanted to join, but I could never hear where it was over the announcements. I wanted to join for Bio, and so I could prove you wrong, Paul.”
Joining is quite simple, all you have to do is go to Dr. Megargee’s room in B-214 every Tuesday after school and have fun. If you’re thinking it’s too late, don’t, since anyone can join; so come on in. See you there!

Hello, my name is Paul. I'm a senior in my second year at The Chieftain. I love reading and writing short stories. I hope I can bring many good stories...