Science National Honor Society Breaks Ground at Wakefield
On February 7, 2018, Wakefield High School had it’s first Science National Honor Society induction ceremony. The induction was a success because of the combined efforts of all the key members of the society. After Mr. Medera’s speech, and another keynote by Dr. Sanders, students were inducted into this group of students who excel academically in Science, receiving diplomas for their efforts. This was an important ceremony since this is the very first science based honor society in the entirety of Arlington.

Junior Kyle-David Byrne was a driving force behind creating the chapter in Arlington; “we wanted to create an experience for students to educate themselves in the science field as well as get a taste of the outside world for when they go into college, or when they go into other experiences.”

Kyle-David, is a member of the competitive Science Olympiad team, a chapter of the Science National Honor Society in Wakefield. This is where he got the idea to bring a Science focused Honor Society to Wakefield.
Honor societies are an important part of education since they recognize student achievement in the whole, and in specific categories. Nowadays, there are a bunch of honor societies for a person to join, so if you don’t like Science, there are plenty more.
One thing to note before jumping into any honor society, is that each has it’s own set of requirements. This can include a mandatory meeting requirement, a minimum GPA requirement, a community service requirement, and more. While it is work, having a place for like minded people to meet and share ideas is worth it.
Among many moments, one stood out for Kyle-David; “one of the most memorable moments was seeing all the students out there, who are joining Wakefield and are supporting the society and are founding members, which is gonna start a long legacy throughout Wakefield.”
Building legacies for tomorrow’s students is part of what makes Wakefield so great.

Hello, my name is Paul. I'm a senior in my second year at The Chieftain. I love reading and writing short stories. I hope I can bring many good stories...