Dress Code? More Like Girl Code


What I choose to wear is determined by a long process. It consists of sending pictures to friends and asking myself the same old questions. Do I feel comfortable? Does it look good? Do I feel confident enough to wear this? Does it look good? My clothes often fail one of the most important questions: Can I wear this to school?

Girl’s clothing is heavily regulated, specifically in schools. All across the country, girls are told they can not wear clothing that makes them feel confident, what they want to wear.

I feel as though my body will not be respected unless I cover up.

With the weather warming up, we are once again reminded of the dress code in class assemblies. The idea of dictating how girls dress is being re-enforced. The reason behind the need for my clothing to be regulated is because my body is a distraction I am told. Not only does it offend my teachers, it also offends my classmates. My female arms and legs must be hidden in order to not distract my male classmates, because, obviously, I control their thoughts and actions.

Administrators have our best interest in mind. I want to believe these rules were made to make me feel safe in school. These rules target girls. As if I am nothing more than a body that must be covered up. I am not protected in these rules. I do not feel safe with these rules, I feel objectified. I feel as though my body will not be respected unless I cover up. I am being punished for actions I can not control. In school we already have to give up many of our freedoms. I can not and will not be silenced.

Our beliefs are determined by many factors. Our family, friends, the media, and lastly school. Schools are one of the biggest influencers in our morals. They shape the minds of future generations, teach us right from wrong, and many major societal norms.

Socialization begins at school. If we are being taught these values, these ideals will continue to be upheld in our society. Schools are enforcing the idea that some boys’ actions are okay because girls are not covering up. Our school dress code policy includes: “shirts not allowed with drugs, alcohol, violence, or sex; no undergarments showing; no midriffs showing; shorts, skirts to mid-thigh; tanks with straps thinner than 1 inch disallowed.” It’s incredibly easy to forget that these rules apply to both boys and girls. The rules for boys are almost common sense, as opposed to the girl’s rules. They include measurements and detailed instructions on what not to wear.

Clothes might give a first impression of me, but they do not speak for me.

These regulations are bad enough, but punishments closely follow rules. Girls are taken out of class for “being a distraction”. Sorry, but my exposed shoulder weren’t bothering me at all, so who benefits?

All of the rebellious and groundbreaking actions taken by past women that allow me to get an education are being taken away because of my spaghetti straps.

If a boy were to wear a muscle shirt that exposed their sides or their midriff, would they receive the same punishment?

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article had the dress code for Yorktown High School. This article has been updated with Wakefield’s dress code.