Google Glass: It’s Here! What Is That?

Luiza Sevele '15, Staff Writer

Google Glass is becoming more and more popular. What exactly is Google Glass? It is an internet-connected eyepiece that has been grabbing people’s attention. Why is Google Glass so special? It looks like a pair of regular spectacles, but it doesn’t contain any actual glass in the frame. Instead, the device has thumbnail-sized screen attached above the right eye. There are so many features that make Google Glass amazing. The user can check email, see Twitter posts, get directions, take hands-free photos and videos through voice-activted command.

This surprising device is also being used to help police, fire fighters, and even doctors do their jobs even better. The Glass helps cut down on the time involved to look up information. In these high demand, quick thinking jobs, every second counts.

Google is selling Glass to any U.S. citizen who places an online order for the device. The cost of Google Glass is $1,500.