Varsity Volleyball Girls Vying for Victory
We are well into Volleyball season, and the girls are excited to achieve their goals independently and as a team. While it’s been a rough start, they plan to show what the team is really made of this season.
Junior Teresa Felipe said, “we’ve outlined teams that are really important for us to beat, to do well and make it to playoffs.” Despite some obstacles, the girls have kept a positive mindset which is extremely important when under pressure.
The players all have personal goals to better themselves individually. Senior Lauryn Freeman said, “my personal goals for the season are to stay out of the net and get around 5-7 blocks per set, as well as raise my vertical by 5-6 inches.” By setting personal goals, you constantly feel motivated to achieve them, which betters the team as a whole.
As well as their personal goals, the girls made goals as a team, senior Mary Faith Melgar said, “the team goal is to be able to understand one another better so we can win more games.” Teamwork and bonding is essential to help gain trust and depend on one another.
After working together for so long, the team has become a family. Senior, and Capitan Jenna Alcorn said, “I’m going to miss the sense of family that is created every season, the team bonding, and my amazing coaches.”
Alcorn also said that she is looking forward to senior night, October 17th! Make sure to go support the seniors! Senior Brianna Alexander said, “I plan to win for senior night. I want to put my all into that game and get a victory because it’ll be my last high school home game. Volleyball has been a huge part of my life and has shaped who I am, so it’s going to be hard to leave that because it is a part of my identity.”
Whether the girls win or lose, they will forever be impacted by being part of this Wakefield team. The bond they’ve created will stay with them into college. Come to senior night to witness the strong bond on the court.

Hey guys; I'm Carla. I'm a Co-Editor in Chief on The Chieftain and this my third year in journalism. I like to listen to all different genres and languages...