Wrestling Team is Ready to Defend the Mats
Our Coed Wrestling teams have had a strong start on the mats. Coming off such a successful season last year, our teams are prepared to hold that success for the season. Varsity started off with two wins at the NOVA Classic last Friday, December 13th: Justice, 41-39 and Marshall, 39-35.
Wrestling being such a strategic sport, it can be that mental toughness that wins you that deciding match. The defining techniques and skills requiring to put down your foot on the mat is what creates champions. Wakefield State Champion Loranzo Rajaonarivelo ’19, set the path for new and returning wrestlers to push foward. This season has nothing but great hopes for the returning athletes. We talkec to three of our wrestlers about how they have set their focus on the future.
Junior Javon Terry held his first win in a Varsity match last Friday, his discipline and work ethic is how he worked his way up the ranks each year. He was excited to start of his season with a win; who wouldn’t be? As he approached the mat he knew what needed to be done; “Oh yeah I’m going to do this, oh yeah today I am going to win…so I did win.” Javon was bumped up to 182 during the meet and continued to roll thorough the competition. Pin pointing his tactics is what guides him; “Always having another way to pin your guy or get points the next time you shoot or breakdown…its always mental, you have to always know what your doing.” For Javon, he takes that extra step to master his opponent and factor in more than just his physical abilities.
After his first meet, seeing what he should do in the future is most important, knowing and looking at his own skillsets can enhance his growths. Specifically toward wrestling he wants to focus on his “Single legs” because of his height, but that is little to none for Javon to overcome. Competitive wrestling is in his mind for college; he is a versatile athlete that has options and a bright light ahead of him.
Wrestling is a precise sport, it comes down to the mind and what your body can do after minutes of combat.
Senior Milo Clark had a great start to his last high school wrestling season, losing weight was a concern he had, he is really focused on it, but he does not let the heavier competition stop him. He understands his mental toughness is what can win him matches; he said you have to “pay attention and focus on what you are doing, and it is also important not to be nervous and to have confidence going into the match.” Being a veteran on this team, it is only right he carries his mindset the same. Team work and skill within practice is the key to our Warriors’ successes, Milo said, “I know on the team we show each other a lot of different moves, and then additionally we work out together everyday, you know we go through a lot with each other.” The team building is the motivator for Milo and everyone around him.
Senior Vincent Galang knows the ins and outs of the sport, he breaks through barriers each competition. Coming off the Nova Classic, he was very present in his match. He is truly dedicated to make it far in has Senior run, and based on previous years, he will be on the mat competing for a State Championship title this season. Vincent described his goals for the season; “I want to win my third district championship, my third regional championship, and cap it off with my first state championship.” Vincent goals are reachable for a high caliber wrestler like him. Vincent has paid his dues on the mat throughout his entire high school career and that State Championship would be that icing on the cake.
Vincent took second overall in the Nova Classic and the Warriors came out on top. Even with this success, Vincent felt he needed to change things. “It made me realize that there is work that still needs to be done, as a team even though we can use how we started as a confidence builder, there is always work to be done.” His commitment to the sport is shown by gaining wins constantly.
Vincent received his 100th win, this achievement is not for an average wrestler. Vincent was glad to “get that off my back..it felt pretty cool.” His style of fight and passion can only be described as precision, hard work, and flat out skill. Loranzo set the blocks for each and everyone wrestler and Vincent is knocking them down this year. He has a close connection with Loranzo. Vincent spoke on how Loranzo taught and pushed him to that next level; “Me and Loranzo have always been friends for a long time, and he always been the one that pushed me to be better because whenever he would do extra workouts, I would always want to do extra workouts, he really taught me to outwork everyone and enjoy it while it lasts.”
It is great to see the growth in the team after their caliber season in 2019. Support our wrestlers today as they face off against Hayfield on the home mats in the big gym.

DeAndre Parker is a Senior in the class of 2020. He loves to play basketball, and to study the game first hand. In school he enjoys science courses, previously...