5 Instagram Accounts to Follow Right Now

During these tough times while we have to social distance many of us have been spending a lot of time on social media. My favorite app to go on is instagram. I really like instagram because there are a lot of influencers. 

A few people that I follow are: 

Selenagomez seems down to earth even though she recently talked to Stacey Abrams and Kamala Harris. I would love to go to one of her concerts, I don’t want to actually meet her.

Kyliecosmetics is popular. I don’t see a problem with Kylie and I like to keep up to date with trends.

Semisweetmike is good to follow because I like to bake and he sells interesting cookie cutters. I like baking sugar cookies and snickerdoodles.

Penquinrandomhouse because I like reading sometimes and they give you suggestions for books to read.

Gymshark is a company that sells really nice workout clothes. I started working out again, so I need some new workout clothes.

For more people to follow click the link: www.oberlo.com/blog/best-instagram-accounts