Senior starting shooting guard #1, Keyon Tiggle has been playing basketball since he was in third grade. His motivation came from his dad; “Play with no conscience” is a phrase his dad frequently told him growing up. He said that means, “to in the game free flowing. Don’t overthink it.”
When the team energy is down, Keyon tells the team to, “keep working and keep your heads up.” He believes that it’s important to create an environment where the team feels like a family, more importantly a brotherhood. His job as the shooting guard is to have the ability to shoot the ball and score, and have good defensive skills on the court. In a heated game against Marshall on January 13th, Keyon Tiggle did more than fulfill his job as the shooting guard. He had two steals converted into layups which were extremely helpful to the 1 point difference in the final score, 35-34 with Wakefield winning.
Keyon believes having a “don’t overthink” mindset is important because being present in what’s going on in the game at that very moment is more important than thinking about what will happen next. Walking into the game believing that you are going to play well and trusting yourself is okay, too.
The season is more than halfway done; Keyon’s favorite part of the season has been practices. He enjoys getting better, learning new things, and getting to know his basketball brothers better. One thing Keyon is going to miss about Wakefield basketball is the friendships, the fans, and the away games. Lastly, Keyon’s advice to underclassmen is “put in extra hours at practice. It shows on the court.”

Go to Marshall to see our boys play on Friday, January 24 @ 7:30 pm.