Wakefield Reacts to the MacBooks


Francisco Aguilar '17

The MacBook Airs have arrived. How does the Wakefield student body feel?

From November 17 to the 21, every freshman received a brand new MacBook Air for their studies. With these new laptops, students are encouraged to merge schoolwork and technology for a more efficient way of learning. According to the APS website, “the APS School Board set the technical direction for the division by establishing a strategic plan objective of providing every student with a personalized device by 2017.” The MacBooks are being given to the freshmen, only the freshmen. As more than 500 MacBooks were handed out, how are the upperclassmen taking it? How will these new devices impact the Wakefield learning environment?

Some students are upset that they will not be the ones getting the MacBooks.
Some students are upset that they will not be the ones getting the MacBooks.

Why are the freshmen the lucky ones? Is it unfair? Here is what junior Emma Burd thinks about the MacBooks; “it’s stupid because they’re not taking hard classes that require them to use the laptops.” Freshmen are lacking in AP and intensified classes, while upperclassmen are stuffed with essays and online work. Because of this, sophomores, juniors, and seniors feel the laptops are unnecessary and the freshmen will “probably destroy them” Burd said.

The freshmen are more than happy with their MacBook Air devices. Freshmen Kaiyah Fluitt said, “They’re cool because it will help us get our work done, and there [won’t] be any excuses.” The laptops are given to minimize the rate of missing assignments.

Freshmen are very pleased with their new MacBooks.
Freshmen are very pleased with their new MacBooks.

One thing the freshmen aren’t too excited about are the restrictions. The MacBooks main purpose is school work, they are not to be used or treated as a personal laptop.

The freshmen believe that they deserve the MacBooks.

Freshman Saron Dawit shared her thoughts on the restraints; “All of the restrictions aren’t necessary though, if they’re going to give us laptops [then] they should let us do what we want with them.”

The biggest fear is freshmen losing or breaking these expensive MacBooks. Sophomore Jason Chavarria said, “I’ve already seen [students] drop them and scratch them. They’ve only had them for like a week now.” Regardless, Assistant Principal Dr. Legagneur said, “All devices are tagged, coded, and tracked by APS and turning in a device to an administrator will be in [students] best interest.”

Other students aren't sure how to feel about the fact that only the freshmen received high tech devices.
Other students aren’t sure how to feel about the fact that only the freshmen received high tech devices.

Overall, the new MacBooks are an academic upgrade and will hopefully have a positive impact on all of #warriornation.