How Do You Feel about the Presidential Race?
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Who is going to be in this house next year?
Unless you’re old enough to vote you probably haven’t been too interested in this upcoming election. High school students tend to not care about things that don’t directly effect them, but this upcoming election will affect everyone in the long run.
The Presidential election is something which everyone should be paying attention. Right now, there are three republican delegates: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich. For the Democrats, it is Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
The staff and students at Wakefield shared their strong opinions about how life will change, how they felt about the presidential race, and what they would do depending on who won in 2017.
Who do you think will win this election? Junior Emaver Castillo said, “I don’t believe any of them are properly approaching the problems…the economy…people not being fully educated, but Sanders is alright.” Sophomore Tommy Setchell said, “I think Donald Trump will win because he has more support than Hillary.” Junior Hamza Mughal said, “I don’t want Trump to win because he will deport me.”
Once Trump’s name was brought up, many had passionate responses. Freshman Alex Postana said, “If Donald Trump wins, I will sadly do nothing.” Veteran English teacher and Young Democrats Sponsor Mr Sharp said, “I’m going to form an arc and take all friends and Hermit to Canada.” Then beloved Wakefield Alumni and current Safety Officer, Bear said, “If Trump wins, I fear there will be another World War.”
Many feel the next President of the United States could be the last, if certain strong candidates are sworn in. Even if you can’t vote, let your voice be heard. Be part of student government, or attend rallies, or join one of the clubs which center on student government at Wakefield.

I am a junior at Wakefield High school. I love being around family and friends. I've played volleyball for three years, and I manage the Girl's Varsity...
Anonymous • May 10, 2016 at 11:10 am
I don’t know about you, but the Presidential Elections have definitely been one of the hot topics in Wakefield, even for the people who can’t vote. I must say, though, that it is wrong to have a strong opinion about something if you aren’t well-informed. When you think about who you would vote for (or who’d you like to vote for), don’t simply vote for someone because he promises free stuff. Be pragmatic about your decision and vote for who you think the country would benefit the most from.
elenaarrowsmith • May 2, 2016 at 10:32 am
I really love this article because I think no matter how old you are that kids should be educated about the election because next year or in a couple years we will be adults and the president will have a major effect on our lives. I know that I will be paying attention to the race and trying my best to get my opinion out in the public.